Monday, October 29, 2007

Oh, the irony!

Taking pictures of people is probably the thing I love doing most but I'm terribly edgy when I'm at the other side of the lens (even though my posed self-portraits do not seem to suggest so);

I adore a wide array of chocolate varieties but my taste buds despise with a passion chocolate ice cream;

I love everything about Italy; culture, nature, the people's attitude towards life, cuisine, their way of putting words but can't stand the national Italian soccer team (I don't support the British one either, I'm all for Germany!);

I consider the Bible as one of the best books ever written with all its metaphors, parables and teachings. I'm also a proud owner of Marilyn Manson's Last Tour On Earth, Mechanical Animals and Portrait of An American Family.

Raw milk would undeniably make me shit my guts out if not puke like a drunkard teen. But my intestines seem to accept and greet with a warm welcome an endless list of dairy products like mayonnaise, mozzarella, cheese, cheeselets, ice cream, cream and ricotta.

My skin is pretty allergic to wool, the sun, and some types of plants. However I am usually told that dark skin is the most resistant type of skin in hot climates such as the Mediterranean one.


Blogger Sylvan said...

I like this post a lot. Goes on to show that a complete person can only seen when considering all of his polar opposites. There is no right or wrong here, not even within the same person...let alone when two people do not agree on the same thing.


Blogger Victoria said...

Well, I am full of contradictions too. I guess it makes us all a bit more mysterious.

PS. I have olive skin but I am hyper allergic to everything



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