Dancing days
Not that I ever knew how to dance properly and not let half the audience laugh their heads off. But anyway, I was referring to my University days, 2000 - 2003.
Tomorrow there will be the graduation mass at St. John's Cathedral in Valletta, followed by the usual series of graduation ceremonies. All this hype reminded of my own ceremony. It was one of the saddest festives that I ever went through... celebrating nothingness - I was unemployed, no interviews, no prospectives, no money and my results didn't leave room for any dream jobs - and yet I was gonna graduate! Oh you know, the irony...
Anyone saw The Graduate? A 1967 film featuring the instability fresh graduates go through in their youth when they have to disassociate themselves from the hippie University life and immerse themselves in the abyss of the working class. Dustin Hoffman delivered an excellent performance and I happened to watch this flick exactly during my post-graduate blues. Thing is, I was never that rich and no mature woman would ever dream of flirting with me. Lucky you, Benjamin...

Those were the days... careless, scruffy, rock, znuber and tasteless junk food.
to slay an hour or two during some boring economics lesson.
Rings a bell...
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