Sigur Rós
"Sigur Rós are a band like no other. Forging a totally individual path, disconnected from the pop mainstream, they have nonetheless been embraced by critics, public and the glitterati alike. It’s not every day that an album of haunting post-rock sung in Icelandic is voted best new album in America but Ágætis Byrjún is no ordinary album, and Sigur Rós are no ordinary band. Attempts to describe their music and the feelings it evokes often reach for comparisons with the landscape of their Icelandic homeland – elemental, profoundly beautiful, effervescent, luminescent - the list goes on and on, and yet the band seem to have nothing quite so specific or local in mind. Their music, they say, is simply what happens when they play together – no more, no less. Or perhaps there’s something running deeper in them, and us, than they know."
Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása (Good Weather For Air Strikes)
Ég læt mig líða áfram
í gegnum hausinn
hugsa hálfa leið
Sé sjálfan mig syngja fagnaðarerindið
sem við sömdum saman
Við áttum okkur draum
áttum allt
við riðum heimsendi
við riðum leitandi
klifruðum skýjakljúfa
sem síðar sprungu upp
friðurinn úti
ég lek jafnvægi
dett niður
alger þögnekkert svar
En það besta sem guð hefur skapað
er nýr dagur.
The icelandic language is an old nordic language. It is considered as the oldest nordic language. As they are an island, they had no influence from other countries. Probably that language was spoken in all Scandinavian countries, but they soon adopted their own dialect and became a language in its own right. Like Danish, it sounds very weird when spoken and has a gutteral sound.I have heard it being spoken, (i.e both Danish and Icelandic) and I never could make head or tails of them. It is soooooo strange.
Dejjem kont naħseb li l-pajjiżi kesħin ma tantx għandhom aċċent tajjeb biex ikunu jistgħu jagħmlu mużika melodika. Ma tantx kelli raġun.
Jien smajt hafna muzika pop bid Daniz u hija melodika hafna. Tiskanta, differenti minn kif jinstema jitkellmuh.
rajthom live darbtejn lil dawn. Jaghtu xow ta' l-alla
Iva, milli jidher hawn ħafna Maltin li rawhom live diversi drabi. Nispera li narahom tal-anqas darba, qabel ma jfettlilhom jinfirdu!
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