Gilad huwa ħabib tiegħi Iżraelit. L-arti li jipproduċi hija ta' ispirazzjoni kontinwa u friska għalija. Jirnexxielu jamalgama l-litteratura u l-fotografija b'passjoni liema bħalha. Inniżżillu l-kappell u jekk hemm bzonn ninkina wkoll.
Dan hu l-aħħar xogħol tiegħu "Living between the lines":

Line one - accept the rules of the world, or at least accept that there are rules;
Line two - accept who you are, but more importantly who you are not ;
Line three - choose your music, your food, and your friends. Never choose who to love;
Line four - accept the fact you may want to change your mind, or not;
Line five - be happy with the ones that love you, and accept the fact that others may not ;
Line six - cherish your moments of satisfaction, they may be your best;
Line seven - live your life only for yourself. Others have their own lives to live for;
Line eight - surprise yourself with something new. A day with no surprises is a day you lost;
Line nine - death will come. Accept it and just enjoy your time living;
Line ten - make up your own space between the lines. It is all up to you.
il pic ga impressjonatni. il kliem belhuni
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