Monday, September 11, 2006


Lil Martin Attard minn dejjem kont nafu bħala konċentrat ta' kreattività fejn jidħol web design. Ix-xogħolijiet tiegħu nnutajthom xhur ilu u bla ma jaf, f'xi mumenti kien ta' ispirazzjoni għalija wkoll. Dan l-aħħar jiem irnexxielu jitfa' fis-seħħ waħda mill-akbar xewqiet li kellu - jipproduċi ezine li jippromwovi talent artistiku lokali. Naħseb li hija idea eċċellenti meta tqis li sal-ġurnata tal-lum, f'Malta hija kemmxejn diffiċli turi rixek.

L-introduzzjoni tal-website tgħid hekk: IMAGE12 is a FREE monthly ezine directed towards promoting the local art scenario. It is not only aimed towards well-established artists, but also those that are new, and whose art deserves much more recognition then they are given credit for. This online magazine is intended not merely to artists or art enthusiasts, but to a wider generation, hoping that everyone can benefit from the true essence of art. The ezine, besides promoting the featured artists with a wide range of visitors, will also serve as a spotlight on local talent - with the final aim of enriching an artistic culture which unfortunately in Malta is quite lacking.

Żuru hawn għal aktar informazzjoni.


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