Monday, January 29, 2007

The perfect dad

Forsi kulħadd jiftakar id-disprezz, il-vjolenza u l-garigori mdallma ta' moħħ makabru b'xintilla umoristika mdeffsa fir-rumanz American Psycho... jew le? Forsi kulħadd jiftakar f'ħajja mimlija sess, drogi u alkol arkivjata fil-paġni ta' The Rules of Attraction... jew le? Dal-aħħar ftakart ukoll fil-melankolija tiddandan, tiżfen u tiżżegleg f'Lunar Park, imma għad baqagħli x'niskopri.

Il-kittieb ta' dat-tlieta u ta' xi nofs tużżana kotba oħra, Bret Easton Ellis qal hekk darba fuq missieru f'intervista li għamlulu:

"To a certain degree I've worked out a lot of issues I had with him [his dad], but I think a residue of anger and defeat will always exist. A child should never even think about being a "good son." A parent decides that fate for the child. The parent encourages that. Not the child himself. And the "perfect dad"? I shudder at thinking what that may be."

Spiċċajt nissekondah fuq l-aħħar sentenza.


Blogger Hsejjes said...

This piece makes me shudder. I am a parent myself and believe me, being a perfect mum is certainly something I can never aspire to as I still think of myself as a teenager!!! Imagine!!! My poor ever suffering son is lumped with a mum like


Blogger keBo said...

Sometimes I think the word 'perfect' should be removed from our dictionaries straight away.


Blogger Hsejjes said...

OOOhhh!!! I agree with you sooooo much!!



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