Friday, December 29, 2006


...nixtieq nirringrazzja lil min għoġbu jinnominani (għax propju illum sirt naf b'dil-biċċa tan-nominazzjonijiet) fiż-żewġt kategoriji tat-2ni edizzjoni tal-blog awards annwali (best maltese language blog u best commenter).

Aktar dettalji jinsabu x'imkien lejn dawn in-naħat.

Nixtieq ukoll nitfa' nota pożittiva oħra.  Awguri, saħħa u ġid għas-sena l-ġdida 2007!

...nispera li dis-sena l-ispirazzjoni tkun daqsxejn aktar ħanina miegħi...

Monday, December 18, 2006


L-antiteżi ta' din u biex, għal darba, ma nkunx negattiv (avolja kultant huwa ħafna eħfef li tkun negattiv milli pożittiv). Lista ta' affarijiet li kapaċi jbiddluli l-burdata għal waħda tajba, jiġifieri ħudu nota intom ilkoll li beħsiebkom tqattgħu aktar minn ħames sigħat fil-ġimgħa miegħi:

  • ir-riħa naturali tal-ġilda ta' ċerta nies;
  • ikel taljan;
  • kotba;
  • tazzi tal-inbid li jgħammxuk bl-indafa tagħhom;
  • l-organizazzjoni, imma mhux il-mard li joriġina minna;
  • stramba kemm tista' tinstema, id-deadlines għax ituni idea meta għandi nibda u meta għandi nispiċċa;
  • dik ir-riħa ta' wara x-xita;
  • il-ħoss li jagħmlu s-satal u l-ħabel meta jinxteħtu fil-bir biex itellgħu l-ilma. Il-ħoss partikolari jinħoloq ħabba l-forma ta' qanpiena li kienu (u forsi għadhom) jinbnew il-bjar, ovvjament aktar ma l-bir ikun vojt aktar il-ħoss ikun intens;
  • il-fatt li tkun f'ristorant u l-wejter ikun jaf min ordna xiex, mhux joqgħod jiċċassa lejja jistennieni ngħidlu jien;
  • dak il-mument eżatt meta l-likwidu jmiss mal-ponta ta' xofftejk int u tgħolli t-tazza biex tixrob;
  • għodwa xemxija (ħalli imbagħad tagħmel ġurnata xita);
  • is-sirda tas-sajf filgħodu, li ġeneralment tkun l-aktar preżenti mal-bajjiet, wara li tkun għamilt lejl rieqed fuq ir-ramel;
  • nies li jafu jqabblu l-kuluri (mhux biss fil-ħwejjeġ imma anke fl-ikel, arti, interior design, eċċ.);
  • il-Kavallier ta' San Ġakbu;
  • nies li meta jgħidulek "kif int?" jgħiduwha għax vera jkunu jixtiequ jkunu jafu kif int;
  • Ħal Lija u n-Naxxar;
  • films li nkitbu mid-diretturi stess;
  • il-minimaliżmu kkontrollat;
  • il-qassata tal-ispinaċi li jbiegħ il-kjosk tal-barrakka ta' fuq;
  • Delimara.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

It's all about organs

Kultant tiltaqa' ma ċerta frażijiet illi tkun mitejn fil-mija ċert li xi darba jew oħra se tħarbixhom jew tlisssinhom x'imkien.  Għaldaqstant iġġiegħel lil moħħok jimmemorizzahom b'mod ħafna agħar minn kif kienu jġagħaluna nimmemorizzaw il-pater noster.  Waħda minnhom hija din:

"Your brain will be electronically simplified."

"My brain?!?!  That's my second favourite organ!"

(Mill-film Sleeper ta' Woody Allen, 1973)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Underrated < > Overrated

Is it still possible to be objective nowadays? Well, I tried to think hard and come up with the following of list of the ten most underrated and overrated films from the 1950s onwards in no particular order.

  • Traffic (2000);
  • Revolver (2005);
  • Waterworld (1995);
  • Carne Tremula (Live Flesh) (1997);
  • Divorzio all'Italiana (1961);
  • The Rules of Attraction (2002);
  • Dial M for Murder (1954);
  • Garden State (2004);
  • Mulholland Dr. (2001);
  • Open Water (2003).


  • Titanic (1999);
  • A Beautiful Mind (2001);
  • A Walk To Remember (2002);
  • Mona Lisa Smile (2003);
  • Last Tango in Paris (1972);
  • Dead Poets Society (1989);
  • The Untouchables (1987);
  • Dead Man Walking (1995);
  • Eraserhead (1977);
  • Billy Elliot (2000).

Monday, December 04, 2006

Guard your pixels

Found an article which provided me with a very interesting read today and which I thought deserves a much wider audience (not that my blog reaches the hundredth hit per day but anyway...). It mainly deals with an everyday threat for photographers, digital graphic designers and writers alike:

Well, everyone that submits his work on-line should be aware that someone else could easily download his submitted file and do something with it, without his permission. That’s a risk we all should accept living in this era of WorldWideWeb.

So, what can they do with your file?

1. Make a wonderful Power point show called “The best of 2006” or “Summer collection” or even “Pictures I ripped” and send it all over the globe, with no credit to you as the creator of the file. Usually this is not done with bad intentions, but it’s still is being dome with no permission.

2. Print a small print in a home printer and place it on the wall next to the computer. Again, no harm intended but it’s just like ripping an original CD to MP3. We all do it, but it’s illegal to do. Still ripping the artist.

3. Use the file as stock and place it inside an “Original” piece of manipulation. In a way that’s making your piece into theirs. It’s like buying a takeout, adding a bit of salt, and telling your date you are the cook.

4. Place the piece on a web page, just to make a blog or a personal page look nice, with no regards to the fact that this is someone’s art, and he has to give permission to use.

5. Submitting your file as someone else’s. No, that really sucks since it’s bold and clear theft. If the others can be considered as mistakes or non-intentional rips, this is trying to benefit from your work, as their own.

What can you do?

1. Place a watermark in your file. I would suggest a small one, don’t let it take over the image. Just so it would alert the rippers they can’t benefit from this piece. Place your watermark on a part of the picture that can’t be easily cloned out.

2. Try uploading a file with no EXIF data (if it’s a photograph). Having the original EXIF on your file would always be a proof that you have the original (if someone will be as stupid to say it’s his after ripping).

3. Put a small signature in the corner, but know that it can be cloned or cropped. Still, it’s better to have one than not.

4. Never upload the original High-res and never send it through mail. If you decide to sell the piece to someone, make sure you sell it as print, or you sign the buyer on a selling paper with the name of the piece (a little visual would be best , and make sure the file you sold is only a copy with no EXIF of the original.

5. Try to keep your files up to 900 pixels on the longer side. Lower the DPI of the file to 72 (you don’t need anything more since the computer screen can’t show more than that).

6. Be kind but don’t send wallpaper sizes of 1600 pixels to people that ask you to.. you are making yourselves very vulnerable.

Or else read the full original article.