Wage slave
Not that I, in any way, fancy the ideologies of the leftists but sometimes work can really make you feel a wage slave – a modern term for a human machine and a concept which often carries all the load of criticism re: capitalism. This reminded me of the two minute monologue Norman Lowell did in a recent interview he had with some maltafly guy. He couldn't explain it better…
A less explicit (and somewhat more liberal) approach was done by a brit-rock band, Placebo in their album “Black Market Music” of which I'm a proud owner:
Run Away From All Your Boredom
run Away From All Your Whoredom
and Wave Your Worries
and Cares Goodbye
all It Takes Is One Decision
a Lot Of Guts
a Little Vision
to Wave Your Worries
and Cares Goodbye
sick And Tired Of Maggie's Farm
she's A Bitch With Broken Arms
it's A Maze For Rats To Try
and Its A Race For Rats To Die
run Away